25 Uses for Down
- Down for a veterinary exam.
- Down for husbandry tasks such as clipping back nails.
- Down as emergency cue when dog is running off or toward danger.
- Down stay while family eats a meal.
- Down stay on a mat away from door when visitors enter home.
- Down stay when encountering something you need to go deal with (e.g., something dangerous like a snake, helping someone who’s fallen down).
- Down stay while dinner is being prepared.
- Down stay while working with another dog in the house.
- Down stay while you are doing sit ups or yoga.
- Down stay while you are getting the children ready to leave for school.
- Down stay when being petted by small children.
- Down on a mat with a bone or chew toy when the family wants to relax in the evening.
- Down stay can discourage some dogs from barking at other dogs, such as in a training class.
- Down to prevent your dog from running off.
- Down at the door to stop your dog from jumping on guests.
- Down at the door to prevent your dog rushing out when you open it.
- Down and roll on his side for grooming.
- Down and relax while you’re watching TV or using your computer.
- Down and relax while you visit with friends and relatives.
- Down stay to prevent your dog being underfoot when you’re working in the kitchen/busy.
- Down stay at family gatherings such as birthday parties.
- Down stay at outdoor events such as kids’ soccer games.
- Down stay on a walk when you stop to pick up after your dog.
- Down to teach the “rollover” trick.
- Down to teach the “play dead/go to sleep” trick.
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